Status of my result
When you fetch your results, we give you information about the status of the item. Below you'll find all the possible statuses:
Status | Meaning |
NONE | The search has not started yet for this item but has been queued, ready to be scheduled. |
SCHEDULED | The search will get processed in the next batch. |
IN_PROGRESS | We are currently looking for emails or validating the given email. |
BAD_INPUT | The item cannot be analyzed because information are missing. |
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS | You do not have enough credits to run this item. |
ABORTED | The search has been cancelled by you and this item has not be analyzed. |
NOT_FOUND / DEBITED_NOT_FOUND | This item has been processed and we couldn't find a result (or the email does not exist) |
FOUND / DEBITED | We've found a result and we have debited the required credits |