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Version: 1.8.0


Some routes are paginated. This is the case for instance for retrieving your search results or the bulk files.

Below, you'll find how to deal with the pagination system.

First request

For the first request, you just have to give the limit (the number of data you want to fetch) in your request:

"limit": 30, of your request

The system will respond with the total number of elements and a sorts array containing two elements:

"sorts": [
[125432Z65, "xxxx"],
[5643645, "yyyy"],
"total": 1000, of the response

You need to keep the sorts array somewhere as it is necessary for the subsequent requests.

Subsequent requests

For the subsequent requests, you need to give:

  1. The limit;
  2. The next boolean; true if you want to go forward (i.e. next page) and false if you want to go backward (i.e. previous page).
  3. The sorts array as it was returned to you by the system.
"limit": 30,
"next": true, // fetch next page
"sorts": [
[125432Z65, "xxxx"],
[5643645, "yyyy"],
], of your request

The system will respond with a new sort array, that you need to store. This is the one that you are going to use for the next request.

You need to repeat this process until no new results are returned.